A recent example of a V/Q distribution measured in
a normal 40 Kg pig is shown in the accompanying figure. Notably, the residual sum of squares, one indicator of the quality
of the data set, is very low at 3.8. This V/Q distribution was measured with a blood sample volume of only 5 ml total (2.5
ml for the arterial sample plus 2.5 for the PA sample), a total sample analysis time of only 11 minutes, and with direct analysis
of the blood samples with no extraction of the inert gases into a gas phase. The MIGET by MMIMS system makes V/Q distributions
as simple to measure as conventional arterial blood gas analysis.

A screen shot of the new user interface is shown on the right. Especially notable is the operations subscreen in the
upper right, where the user simply selects one of four operating states. After injection, the user directs the system to analyze
the samples and the system automatically sends the samples to the MMIMS probes for analysis, generates and stores the data
files, cleans the MMIMS probes, and notifies the user when the system is ready for another sample.
The Oscillogy part number for the MIGET by MMIMS system is MMIMS-002-MP.
Retail price for this system is $137,000.
